2-) Stairs. I climb up one flight and I'm breathing so hard you would think I just ran 3 miles! The SUU campus has so many stairs it isn't funny. We park on the lower end of campus and to get to my math class I have to walk up 2 flights of outside stairs and another 2 flights once I reach the building. Then my English class is on the top floor of a 3 story building. Since it takes me about 10 minutes to get to each class and I'm breathing hard and have a racing heart when I get to class, I consider this my workout on most days.
3-) The fact that I should be putting on weight. At first I was thrilled that I would be gaining weight instead of trying to lose or maintain weight. Then after I found out I was pregnant I started loosing weight. At my 15 week appointment the doctor wasn't very happy that I had lost weight, a total of 10 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. She told me to eat more, which I found difficult due to my lack of appetite, but I had been eating! Most of the time I ate just because I knew I should and felt like an overfilled beach ball after dinner. Finally at my 19 week appointment I had gained 3 pounds back. With a net loss of 7 pounds to date, it really makes me wonder how my stomach has gotten so big....

4-) And speaking of that stomach... Do you know what is inside? Baby Center compared the size of my baby to a large banana weighing about a pound. A BANANA? So, your telling me that this huge belly of mine only has something the size of a banana in it? I know, I know, my uterus has to grow and my baby has to be surrounded by amniotic fluid etc. But still, are you starting so see why I'm going a little bananas? A belly that size and my baby is only a one pound banana.
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