OK, I know a bunch of you thought I was crazy when I said I was going to use cloth, but I really, really love it! Here are some reasons I love my cloth diapers...
1-) They are sooo much cuter than disposables! He has airplanes diapers, so cute!
2-) He has less diaper rashes. In fact Jeremiah has only had one diaper rash since we started using cloth.
3-) If he decides to poop or pee right after I change his diaper I haven't wasted 15 cents, I can just wash it and use it again.
4-) Yes my water bill was $7 more last month, but I washed about 360 diapers, which would have cost about $54 dollars. That's a savings of $47 dollars every month... so my diapers will pay for themselves in about 4 months... AWESOME!
5-) I only have to take the trash out of Jeremiah's room about once a month. When we were using disposables it had to be emptied at least once a week. (that means we are saving money on trash bags too!)
6-) I can choose how absorbent I want his diapers to be. Just add a prefold or a doubler and I don't have to worry about leaks when he sleeps 11 hours at night.
7-) I love how the sun takes the stains out. Its been 3 months and we still have white diapers.
8-) I like feeling a bit "old fashioned." Or maybe it's just that I don't like following the crowd. how many mom's do you know that grind wheat, bake bread and use cloth diapers?
9-) His pants fit better. Jeremiah has a really long body, but short legs and a little bum, so his pants look huge when he wears disposables, and sometimes they fall down.
10-) I was trying to think of ten reasons, and I'm sure there is one more somewhere in my brain... but for now 9 will have to do!
Coming soon is a "how to" post for cloth diapers, and which ones are my favorites!
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