Sweet potatoes he loved from the beginning, especially when we mixed them with carrots. And he loves butternut squash and peas, and sometimes bananas.
Yesterday he had is six month check up. Weighing in at 15 pounds even and 26 and half inches long, that puts him the the 9th percentile for weight and the 57th for height. The doctor said he looks healthy, but we need to focus on high calorie foods to help him gain weight. So I headed to the grocery store to look at baby food jars (because our baby food is homemade) and find out which ones have the most calories. Of course sweet potatoes were high, but higher still were bananas and pears.
So I made up a big batch of pears, only to find out he doesn't like them. I tried them every meal, and he just spit them out. This morning I paired pears (he he!) with oatmeal. He ate every single drop! For lunch he refused sweet potatoes, until I mixed in oatmeal.
Apparently this kid loves oatmeal. So caroats, sweet potoats and pearoats it is.
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